North Region EMS & Trauma Care Council
Injury Prevention Mini Grant Application
2023- 2024
The North Region mini grants support the further development of injury prevention programs that address the top three leading mechanisms of injury in the Region, in alignment with the goals of the Strategic Plan. Based on data provided by DOH from 2016-2020, the three leading causes of injury, hospitalizations and/or deaths are:
- Poisonings – specifically focusing on providing education regarding overdose/overuse of prescription medication by adults.
- Falls- specifically focusing on fall prevention in the elderly population.
- Suicide Prevention- specifically focusing on suicide prevention and firearm safety issues.
Applicant Eligibility:All entities, including EMS and fire organizations, hospitals, health departments and law enforcement agencies are eligible to apply in the North Region five counties of Island, Skagit, San Juan, Snohomish and Whatcom.
Grant Award Consideration Criteria:
- Grant must be for a program that has not been previously funded by the North Region.
- Grant projects will be given most consideration which address any of the top three leading causes of injury, hospitalizations and/or death in the North Region, which is consistent with our strategic plan and current data.
- Fall Prevention
- Poisonings/ Overdoses- narcotics/opioids / prescription medications misuse
- Suicide Prevention/ firearm safety
- Grants MUST have partnering agencies
- Local Falls Prevention Coalition
- Hospital
- Health district
- Fire/EMS agency
- Tribal Government
- Other non-profit organizations
- Mini Grant awards funded up to $600
Important Dates:
Application Deadline: November 10, 2023 Grant Award Decisions: November 16, 2023 End of Grant Summaries Due: June 1, 2024
Submit Grant Application via email Phone: 360-708-2454
A confirmation email will be sent upon receipt of the application.